.......................................{{{{{{Tan Socks}}}}}}...........a comic about love. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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FAN ART and BUTTON CONTEST please submit entries to the forum, or e-mail them to winddragon21@yahoo.com . contest ends WINNERS WILL RECIEVE: one piece of origional art, made to the specifications of the winner. (ie. you say "draw me a walrus!" and that's what you get.) you can e-mail these requests, or post them in the Tan Socks blog Thank you to all that participated!. |
{about} |
That’s all, folks! But probably not. In real life, I can’t stop drawing comics about everything I do or see or hear. The only problem is making something that people will want to look at and read. I’ve had a lot of fun making this comic, as it is mostly a chronicle of my life, my relationships, and my shortcomings. The basic message that I was trying to send in this is that dating people is hard, but no one ever got anywhere by being a big queen about it. My friends always seem to blame life or society or the media when they can’t find a decent man. And yet, most of them will date the same 2 kinds of guys. They are either abusive and selfish [Wes], or overly helpful and caring, but not inspiring of real love [Charlie]. This comic was a way out for me. A chance for self reflection. When I realized that I could put all of my exes into one of two categories, it was disheartening, but also refreshing. And now it’s over. I’m going to keep the archives up for a while, but I’m thinking about moving to a different domain soon and starting something fresh. I’ll let everyone know when that happens. Love, X. |
tan socks is hosted on comicgenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for lovelorn webcomics. |