.......................................{{{{{{Tan Socks}}}}}}...........a comic about love.  


please submit entries to the forum, or e-mail them to winddragon21@yahoo.com .

contest ends June 31 July 7th, 2006

Contest 1: Fan Art

Entries must be submitted in .jpg or .gif only.

Fan Art can be, but is not limited to
-A rendered representation of a Tan Socks character or characters.
-Sequential art involving these characters.
-A collage piece that takes pieces of Tan Socks comic strips and puts them together in new and interesting ways.
-A comic where the dialouge has been changed to give it new meaning.


WINNER:By Michelle

almost winners:

By Katy

By Adam

Contest 2: Button Contest

Entries must be submitted size 88x31 or 200x40, in .jpg or .gif

Participants will design a "Link Button" for the Tan Socks website. this button should be

-the size specified above
-include the text "tan" and "socks" somewhere noticable.



one piece of origional art, made to the specifications of the winner. (ie. you say "draw me a walrus!" and that's what you get.)  you can e-mail these requests, or post them in the Tan Socks blog

Thank you to all that participated!.


That’s all, folks! But probably not. In real life, I can’t stop drawing comics about everything I do or see or hear. The only problem is making something that people will want to look at and read.

I’ve had a lot of fun making this comic, as it is mostly a chronicle of my life, my relationships, and my shortcomings. The basic message that I was trying to send in this is that dating people is hard, but no one ever got anywhere by being a big queen about it. My friends always seem to blame life or society or the media when they can’t find a decent man. And yet, most of them will date the same 2 kinds of guys. They are either abusive and selfish [Wes], or overly helpful and caring, but not inspiring of real love [Charlie]. This comic was a way out for me. A chance for self reflection. When I realized that I could put all of my exes into one of two categories, it was disheartening, but also refreshing. And now it’s over.

I’m going to keep the archives up for a while, but I’m thinking about moving to a different domain soon and starting something fresh. I’ll let everyone know when that happens.

Love, X.
 AUG   September 2008   

version 6.0. everything herein is copyright Xavier Jones 2006.  please don't take things before asking.

tan socks is hosted on comicgenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for lovelorn webcomics.